Planting medicinal plants is very important in the yard for family health as well as ornamental plants, if we can take care of it will give maximum results herb gardening has been around for centuries and the joys of an herbal garden is well know to many gardeners. Even beginner gardeners can have a high quality of success by starting with the basics and working their way up to a more complicated herbal garden. You can plant a container herb garden or an indoor herb garden. There are three categories of herbs that can be grown in you herbal gardens, culinary herbs, ornamental herbs, or medicinal herbs.
Culinary herb gardening's purpose is to add spice and flavor to your cooking. Culinary herbs are the herbs that use fresh or dried leaves in cooking. Some of the classic culinary herbs are parsley, oregano, rosemary and basil. You may even want to plant some sage and thyme. There is a difference between herbs and spices. Spices are seeds, roots, fruits, flowers, and bark while, as mentioned above, culinary herbs are fresh or dried leaves.
When considering your culinary herb garden your most important decision is the location. You will need a sunny spot with at least six hours of sun. The more sun the herb garden gets the more flavor will develop in the herbs. Try to place your culinary herb garden as close to the kitchen door as possible. This will ensure that the herbs will be used daily.
A simple and delicious way to use basil is to slice some juicy ripe tomatoes and fresh mozzarella. Overlap them on a plate, sprinkle on some extra virgin olive oil and chopped basil. It is also good with a squeeze of fresh lemon. Anyone that has grown a culinary herb garden and used the fresh herbs will tell you that the fresh herbs are superior over the dried herbs.
Ornamental herb gardening can make your gardens not only practical but beautiful too. By "ornamental" we mean that the primary current usage is purely decorative. Some of these ornamental herbs have a long history of medicinal or culinary usage. Pots of ornamental herbs add color and texture to balconies or patios. They are perfect for lining your flower beds.
A good example of an ornamental herb is Dittany of Crete, a favorite oregano herb of many herb gardeners. It will form a low mound and produce leaves with fine silvery hairs. You would never want to use this in cooking, it is strictly for show.
Rue is another good choice for garden borders. Its unusual blue green color offers contrast to bright showy blooms. The rue leaves can be used as a garnish but because of its bitter flavor does not work in cooking.
Ornamental herbs are just what they say, ornaments for your gardens. Ornamental herb gardening will add texture and interest to your flower beds.
Now we come to medicinal herbs. Before the 1900's medicinal herbs were used widely in the United States. Somewhere in the 1960's herbs used as medicine dwindled. Now, many doctors are prescribing medicinal herbs as well as mainstream medicine.
Planting medicinal plants is very important in the yard for family health as well as ornamental plants, if we can take care of it will give maximum results
there are three ways that the medicinal herbs work on the body. Medicinal herbs have been known to strengthen an organ so that it can heal itself. Some medicinal herbs purge the body of toxins and illness, while others build up the immune system which will help in retarding illness.
There are many ways to use medicinal herbs. A few are infusions, herb vinegars, ointments, teas and tinctures. For example, to make a healing herbal tea, boil water and pour over the fresh herbs in a cup. Let it steep for 5 minutes but no longer then 10 for it will get bitter.
The medicinal herb stevia can be used as a natural sweetener and is easy to grow in an herbal garden. It also decrease tooth decay and gum disease if used as a mouth wash.
Before starting any course of medicinal herbs, be sure to notify your Doctor to see if they will interact with any medicines you are currently taking.
These are some of the basics of the three herb groups. Plan your herb garden, pick a bright sunny place and plant your herbs. Remember you can plant an herb garden ,Caring for your plants as well as baby care, should get more attention to improve better results, good luck
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Wednesday, 12 January 2011
Sex Drive with herbs
In the life of married sex is very important to the survival of households that have been in form, if your sex experience distress, surely your domestic life will be shakenthis article I will be discussing the benefits of what I refer to as the four basic building blocks of maximizing sex drive and natural testosterone production; L-Arginine, Horny Goat Weed, Tribulus Terrestris, and ZMA (Zinc, Magnesium, and B6). The first component that I will describe is an amino acid called L-Arginine.
L-arginine is a naturally occurring amino acid. It helps the body remove ammonia; it is used to produce creatine, L-glutamate, and it can be changed into glucose and glycogen if necessary. L-arginine naturally occurs in foods such as meat, poultry, dairy, poultry and fish. It is also available in the form of a supplement- capsules and powders. The human body also uses L-Arginine to produce nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is a substance that signals the smooth muscle surrounding blood vessels to relax, which dilates them (vasodilation), thus allowing greater blood flow. Relaxation of the smooth muscle in the penis makes it easier to achieve and maintain an erection. One study on the effects of L-Arginine involved 50 men, separated into two groups, one that was administered L-Arginine, and one that was given a placebo. After six weeks of study, it was discovered that many more men in the L-Arginine group experienced an improvement in sexual function compared to the men that were given a placebo.
Horny Goat Weed
Horny Goat Weed has been used for its aphrodisiac qualities in China for thousands of years, after it was discovered to significantly increase the sexual activities of goats. In humans, Horny Goat Weed is used to treat erectile dysfunction, kidney, and liver disorders and is also considered to have effects similar to testosterone. It powerfully boosts sexual drive, increases sperm production, and heightens the sensitivity of the sensory nerves leading to more powerful orgasms.
A chemical called icarin is the main active component of Horny Goat Weed. It increases the levels of nitric oxide in the human body, which in-turn relaxes the smooth muscle lining the blood vessels, increasing blood flow to the penis. Horny Goat Weed is considered the herbal Viagra, because like Viagra, the icarin present in Horny Goat Weed inhibits the of PDE-5 enzyme (that destroys nitric oxide) in the body.
Tribulus Terrestris
Tribulus Terrestris was very popular among European competitive power-lifters in the 1960's and 1970's, which ultimately led to two decades of government sponsored research in Bulgaria, at the Chemical Pharmaceutical Research Institute. The most recognized outcome of the government research was the amazing success of the Bulgarian weight lifting team which stunned the world in Olympic weight-lifting competitions. Clinical studies have demonstrated significant gains in testosterone levels in individuals taking Tribulus. Some research has shown over a 50% boost in testosterone levels when an athlete takes Tribulus in combination with a training regimen. Tribulus increases testosterone levels by increasing the lutenizing hormone in the body, which is the hormone that is responsible for telling your body to produce more testosterone.
ZMA (Zinc, Magnesium, B6)
ZMA is a combination supplement of zinc, magnesium and the vitamin B6. Zinc is an essential mineral that is found in most chemical reactions in the body. It helps the immune system fight colds, heals wounds, and supports growth. Zinc is best absorbed when taken in combination with B6. Like Zinc, Magnesium is also an essential mineral. It helps maintain strong bones and teeth strong by acting as a catalyst in the absorption of calcium. Magnesium prevents blood clotting and helps maintain stable blood pressure levels. It also helps keep muscles relaxed. ZMA has been shown to increase testosterone levels, decrease muscle recovery time, and increase anabolic hormone
L-arginine is a naturally occurring amino acid. It helps the body remove ammonia; it is used to produce creatine, L-glutamate, and it can be changed into glucose and glycogen if necessary. L-arginine naturally occurs in foods such as meat, poultry, dairy, poultry and fish. It is also available in the form of a supplement- capsules and powders. The human body also uses L-Arginine to produce nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is a substance that signals the smooth muscle surrounding blood vessels to relax, which dilates them (vasodilation), thus allowing greater blood flow. Relaxation of the smooth muscle in the penis makes it easier to achieve and maintain an erection. One study on the effects of L-Arginine involved 50 men, separated into two groups, one that was administered L-Arginine, and one that was given a placebo. After six weeks of study, it was discovered that many more men in the L-Arginine group experienced an improvement in sexual function compared to the men that were given a placebo.
Horny Goat Weed
Horny Goat Weed has been used for its aphrodisiac qualities in China for thousands of years, after it was discovered to significantly increase the sexual activities of goats. In humans, Horny Goat Weed is used to treat erectile dysfunction, kidney, and liver disorders and is also considered to have effects similar to testosterone. It powerfully boosts sexual drive, increases sperm production, and heightens the sensitivity of the sensory nerves leading to more powerful orgasms.
A chemical called icarin is the main active component of Horny Goat Weed. It increases the levels of nitric oxide in the human body, which in-turn relaxes the smooth muscle lining the blood vessels, increasing blood flow to the penis. Horny Goat Weed is considered the herbal Viagra, because like Viagra, the icarin present in Horny Goat Weed inhibits the of PDE-5 enzyme (that destroys nitric oxide) in the body.
Tribulus Terrestris
Tribulus Terrestris was very popular among European competitive power-lifters in the 1960's and 1970's, which ultimately led to two decades of government sponsored research in Bulgaria, at the Chemical Pharmaceutical Research Institute. The most recognized outcome of the government research was the amazing success of the Bulgarian weight lifting team which stunned the world in Olympic weight-lifting competitions. Clinical studies have demonstrated significant gains in testosterone levels in individuals taking Tribulus. Some research has shown over a 50% boost in testosterone levels when an athlete takes Tribulus in combination with a training regimen. Tribulus increases testosterone levels by increasing the lutenizing hormone in the body, which is the hormone that is responsible for telling your body to produce more testosterone.
ZMA (Zinc, Magnesium, B6)
ZMA is a combination supplement of zinc, magnesium and the vitamin B6. Zinc is an essential mineral that is found in most chemical reactions in the body. It helps the immune system fight colds, heals wounds, and supports growth. Zinc is best absorbed when taken in combination with B6. Like Zinc, Magnesium is also an essential mineral. It helps maintain strong bones and teeth strong by acting as a catalyst in the absorption of calcium. Magnesium prevents blood clotting and helps maintain stable blood pressure levels. It also helps keep muscles relaxed. ZMA has been shown to increase testosterone levels, decrease muscle recovery time, and increase anabolic hormone
Turmeric Benefits
Turmeric is a plant species that have a tuber, usually grown in the highlands, turmeric breeding is done with the tubers, planting should be done at the beginning of the rainy season, do the land preparation and manure application are sufficient to improve results
Turmeric is a famous spice that is used in Asian, African and Middle Eastern cuisines. It is more prominent however in Indian, Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Malaysian, Sri Lankan as well as Indonesian cuisines since it is a staple part of their food preparation.
For most parts of the world, the turmeric benefits calls for it to be a food preservative as well as food coloring. This is where the yellow in mustard, cheese, pickles and margarines come from. Aside from the turmeric uses in the culinary world, there are other turmeric benefits that people are not often aware off.
Health Benefits of Turmeric
Recently, it has been gaining popularity because of some studies indicating that turmeric benefits our mental health because it prevents the onset of dementia as well as Alzheimer's disease. Researchers credit curcumin for such preventive capabilities. Curcumin is actually the main ingredient that constitutes turmeric.
Other health benefits of turmeric include the reduction of pigmentation, strengthening of the bones, softening of the body, the ability to make the skin supple, inhibition of cell damage as well as fighting diarrhea.
Turmeric is also a natural antiseptic as well as an anti-bacterial spice. Some use it externally to aid in the cleaning and disinfecting of burns and cuts. Another turmeric uses for the Chinese is that it helps in the treatment of depression. They also believe that turmeric speeds up metabolism thereby making it as an effective weight management spice.
Turmeric and Skin Care
Aside from turmeric benefits on health, it is also used for cosmetics. Some sunscreens or rather most sunscreens use turmeric in their formulation.
In India, many women are using turmeric paste to keep them from superfluous hair. Other turmeric benefits for India, Pakistan and Bangladesh is the use of this spice as a beauty regimen for the bride and groom before marriage because it is believed that turmeric gives a certain glow on the skin and helps protect it by keeping harmful bacteria away from the body.
On the other hand, in Thailand, the government is even funding a project that will extract certain compounds from turmeric to use as treatment for inflammation of the skin. If successful, it will be very useful in different cosmetics applications.
Other Turmeric Uses
Turmeric is also used for gardening and dye. Although turmeric makes a poor dye, it is still being used in India for their clothing like the saris. The reason why it is not suitable as a dye is because it is lightfast. For gardening, it can be used to deter ants from attacking your garden. Up to date there is still no clear reason on why ants hate turmeric but it does work and for most gardeners, that's all that matters.
Other turmeric uses also include the application of this spice for ceremonial purposes. In fact a lot of history is still linked to turmeric because up to date it is still used for ceremonial rituals. The turmeric you buy in groceries is not pure and often has other components mixed in already. For you to be able to enjoy the full turmeric benefits, the spice must be pure.
Turmeric is a famous spice that is used in Asian, African and Middle Eastern cuisines. It is more prominent however in Indian, Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Malaysian, Sri Lankan as well as Indonesian cuisines since it is a staple part of their food preparation.
For most parts of the world, the turmeric benefits calls for it to be a food preservative as well as food coloring. This is where the yellow in mustard, cheese, pickles and margarines come from. Aside from the turmeric uses in the culinary world, there are other turmeric benefits that people are not often aware off.
Health Benefits of Turmeric
Recently, it has been gaining popularity because of some studies indicating that turmeric benefits our mental health because it prevents the onset of dementia as well as Alzheimer's disease. Researchers credit curcumin for such preventive capabilities. Curcumin is actually the main ingredient that constitutes turmeric.
Other health benefits of turmeric include the reduction of pigmentation, strengthening of the bones, softening of the body, the ability to make the skin supple, inhibition of cell damage as well as fighting diarrhea.
Turmeric is also a natural antiseptic as well as an anti-bacterial spice. Some use it externally to aid in the cleaning and disinfecting of burns and cuts. Another turmeric uses for the Chinese is that it helps in the treatment of depression. They also believe that turmeric speeds up metabolism thereby making it as an effective weight management spice.
Turmeric and Skin Care
Aside from turmeric benefits on health, it is also used for cosmetics. Some sunscreens or rather most sunscreens use turmeric in their formulation.
In India, many women are using turmeric paste to keep them from superfluous hair. Other turmeric benefits for India, Pakistan and Bangladesh is the use of this spice as a beauty regimen for the bride and groom before marriage because it is believed that turmeric gives a certain glow on the skin and helps protect it by keeping harmful bacteria away from the body.
On the other hand, in Thailand, the government is even funding a project that will extract certain compounds from turmeric to use as treatment for inflammation of the skin. If successful, it will be very useful in different cosmetics applications.
Other Turmeric Uses
Turmeric is also used for gardening and dye. Although turmeric makes a poor dye, it is still being used in India for their clothing like the saris. The reason why it is not suitable as a dye is because it is lightfast. For gardening, it can be used to deter ants from attacking your garden. Up to date there is still no clear reason on why ants hate turmeric but it does work and for most gardeners, that's all that matters.
Other turmeric uses also include the application of this spice for ceremonial purposes. In fact a lot of history is still linked to turmeric because up to date it is still used for ceremonial rituals. The turmeric you buy in groceries is not pure and often has other components mixed in already. For you to be able to enjoy the full turmeric benefits, the spice must be pure.
Making Herbals Medicine
Making herbal medicine for the community in Indonesia is very important to remember the limitations of kedokteraan drugs in rural areas as in the Papua region, their health is very dependent of medicine from nature, they are very good at dispensing medicine from plants
medicinal herbs also known as botanical herbs have been used for centuries to heal and treat all sorts of ailments that one may experience during a lifetime. Herbs were the first means of healthcare known and it was valued for its diversity. These plants were used not only for medicine, but for food, clothing, shelter, and currency as well. Growing medicinal herbs has become a very common practice amongst many households because of the reawakening or increased awareness of their medicinal and therapeutic benefits of our now time.
The flower, leaves, roots, stems and berries of medicinal herbs is what is commonly used to relieve and treat ailments. These herbs can be extracted and prepared in forms such as capsules, ointments, teas, extracts, tinctures, poultices, syrups, lozenges, etc. Herbs have been on the planet earth since the beginning of times and have a very extensive history. In fact, most modern conventional medicine or drugs are derived from herb plants using either a synthesized form of a plant or plant extracts.
Lets take for instance Vincristine, a cancer medication, is derived from the herb periwinkle; then you have drugs such as Salicylic acid that came from the meadowsweet plant and willow bark. Another common medicine used for respiratory distress and decongestion is Ephedrine, which comes from Ephedra. Ephedra used in its synthetic form is in many of the commercial sinus, allergy and cold and flue medications with the ingredient name pseudo ephedrine, with the prefix term "pseudo" meaning: not actually but having the appearance of; pretended; false or spurious. So, when you begin to look at the origin of many conventional medicines you will see the pattern and that many medicines do in fact derive from herb plants or the mother medicine.
The following are some medicinal herbs that were grown and widely used amongst ancient civilizations:
Echinacea- used to fight infections and boost the immune system.
Hyacinth- used to release excess water from the body.
Yarrow- used to reduce fevers and rid colds.
Marshmallow Root- used to relieve an irritated digestive tract and sore throats.
Peppermint- used to treat vomiting, nausea and upset stomachs
Senna Leaf- Used for chronic constipation
Alder Berries- Treats and eliminates worms
Yellow Dock- Treat skin diseases and help clean the blood
Wormwood- treats irritable bowel syndrome and gastric distress
Lavender- treats insomnia, headaches and relieves a stressful body
The benefits of having medicinal herbs around are second to none and are highly recommended that one has some of these fresh herbs on hand. Not only are medicinal herbs beneficial in treating ailments but many of them are versatile and can be used for culinary, ornamental and aromatic purposes as well, giving you the best of all worlds.
Growing medicinal herbs has always been a common practice amongst our ancestors. The organic system was that mother taught daughter and so on. Once scientific methods were developed and a synthesized form of the plant was created in the form of what we know as drugs or conventional medication today; the culture, rich history and divinity of herbal medicine became known as unconventional and somehow what always worked seemed to become of less importance and considered unscientific.
But keep in mind that herbal medicine should be sterile manufacture of various germs, because if the manufacturing process will result in no good cause disease in the human body,,,, good luck
medicinal herbs also known as botanical herbs have been used for centuries to heal and treat all sorts of ailments that one may experience during a lifetime. Herbs were the first means of healthcare known and it was valued for its diversity. These plants were used not only for medicine, but for food, clothing, shelter, and currency as well. Growing medicinal herbs has become a very common practice amongst many households because of the reawakening or increased awareness of their medicinal and therapeutic benefits of our now time.
The flower, leaves, roots, stems and berries of medicinal herbs is what is commonly used to relieve and treat ailments. These herbs can be extracted and prepared in forms such as capsules, ointments, teas, extracts, tinctures, poultices, syrups, lozenges, etc. Herbs have been on the planet earth since the beginning of times and have a very extensive history. In fact, most modern conventional medicine or drugs are derived from herb plants using either a synthesized form of a plant or plant extracts.
Lets take for instance Vincristine, a cancer medication, is derived from the herb periwinkle; then you have drugs such as Salicylic acid that came from the meadowsweet plant and willow bark. Another common medicine used for respiratory distress and decongestion is Ephedrine, which comes from Ephedra. Ephedra used in its synthetic form is in many of the commercial sinus, allergy and cold and flue medications with the ingredient name pseudo ephedrine, with the prefix term "pseudo" meaning: not actually but having the appearance of; pretended; false or spurious. So, when you begin to look at the origin of many conventional medicines you will see the pattern and that many medicines do in fact derive from herb plants or the mother medicine.
The following are some medicinal herbs that were grown and widely used amongst ancient civilizations:
Echinacea- used to fight infections and boost the immune system.
Hyacinth- used to release excess water from the body.
Yarrow- used to reduce fevers and rid colds.
Marshmallow Root- used to relieve an irritated digestive tract and sore throats.
Peppermint- used to treat vomiting, nausea and upset stomachs
Senna Leaf- Used for chronic constipation
Alder Berries- Treats and eliminates worms
Yellow Dock- Treat skin diseases and help clean the blood
Wormwood- treats irritable bowel syndrome and gastric distress
Lavender- treats insomnia, headaches and relieves a stressful body
The benefits of having medicinal herbs around are second to none and are highly recommended that one has some of these fresh herbs on hand. Not only are medicinal herbs beneficial in treating ailments but many of them are versatile and can be used for culinary, ornamental and aromatic purposes as well, giving you the best of all worlds.
Growing medicinal herbs has always been a common practice amongst our ancestors. The organic system was that mother taught daughter and so on. Once scientific methods were developed and a synthesized form of the plant was created in the form of what we know as drugs or conventional medication today; the culture, rich history and divinity of herbal medicine became known as unconventional and somehow what always worked seemed to become of less importance and considered unscientific.
But keep in mind that herbal medicine should be sterile manufacture of various germs, because if the manufacturing process will result in no good cause disease in the human body,,,, good luck
Medicinal Herbs
People from various parts of the world know what medicinal herbs is because of the long lines they use. Useful in so many ways, many people are in awe of their miracle. For one, they are good to add flavor and serves as a flavor enhancer for cooking. Medicinal herb also has an aromatic scent that is used in a variety of relaxation techniques relieve stress. While this is not the best as a number of herbs are also perfect for use in the treatment of various human diseases and disease.
In Indonesia the use of traditional medicinal plants is known since old times and until now they still use herbs as alternative medicineProperty herbal medicine was discovered long ago by people who inhabit this planet. Even many incidents mentioned in the Bible story that relates to the use of herbs in curing people of their illness. Today, along with advances in technology, use of the contents of herbal medicine has grown as well.
Many kinds of herbal medicine is now processed into capsules, syrup, tablets and food supplements. However, many traditional methods are still used by people young and old together to relieve themselves from pain, injury and other diseases.
Herbs are known for their medicinal properties and work in a way that is easy but some efficient. Boiling, pounding, roasting and chopped some method known only to remove the contents of herbal medicine. There are even herbs that work well when applied directly to the wound or infected area of the body.
Whichever method works, you can only fascinated by the effects of herbal medicine has brought out startling. By using this herb, the body aches a quiet, trembling and convulsions stopped, body aches fade, and stress is a defeat. Even allergies and diversion of blood flow can be given with herbal medicine. Indeed, there are a number of benefits in store by using herbs and with more studies are done, there would be more.
For years, herbal medicine also have found their rightful place in contemporary medicine. In fact, plants are always a consideration for medical professionals before they will come with their own plan to cure the patient. Oil and the essence of herbal medicine has also been widely used with other treatment components and easily made into drugs intake.
Recently, a cure for fatal diseases such as diabetes, heart and circulation, and digestive system problems has been developed using specific herbs. Because of this, herbs and medicine complement each other.
The good thing about herbs is the fact that they come cheap and readily available everywhere. Now, even those who can not afford professional care can be freed from their illness. Just by looking around, you can find a natural way to health. For convenience, there are also tablets and capsules are made from herbs that come in a relatively lower price than the drug with other components.
The best thing is that with herbal medicine, possible side effects less. With the right information and guidance, the use of herbal medicine is the answer ready to the increasing number of medical needs of everyone.Many medicinal plants grow in the area of Indonesia, but its existence is still wild, it is necessary to the preservation to be in use as a drug that can usefor the welfare of mankind.
In Indonesia the use of traditional medicinal plants is known since old times and until now they still use herbs as alternative medicineProperty herbal medicine was discovered long ago by people who inhabit this planet. Even many incidents mentioned in the Bible story that relates to the use of herbs in curing people of their illness. Today, along with advances in technology, use of the contents of herbal medicine has grown as well.
Many kinds of herbal medicine is now processed into capsules, syrup, tablets and food supplements. However, many traditional methods are still used by people young and old together to relieve themselves from pain, injury and other diseases.
Herbs are known for their medicinal properties and work in a way that is easy but some efficient. Boiling, pounding, roasting and chopped some method known only to remove the contents of herbal medicine. There are even herbs that work well when applied directly to the wound or infected area of the body.
Whichever method works, you can only fascinated by the effects of herbal medicine has brought out startling. By using this herb, the body aches a quiet, trembling and convulsions stopped, body aches fade, and stress is a defeat. Even allergies and diversion of blood flow can be given with herbal medicine. Indeed, there are a number of benefits in store by using herbs and with more studies are done, there would be more.
For years, herbal medicine also have found their rightful place in contemporary medicine. In fact, plants are always a consideration for medical professionals before they will come with their own plan to cure the patient. Oil and the essence of herbal medicine has also been widely used with other treatment components and easily made into drugs intake.
Recently, a cure for fatal diseases such as diabetes, heart and circulation, and digestive system problems has been developed using specific herbs. Because of this, herbs and medicine complement each other.
The good thing about herbs is the fact that they come cheap and readily available everywhere. Now, even those who can not afford professional care can be freed from their illness. Just by looking around, you can find a natural way to health. For convenience, there are also tablets and capsules are made from herbs that come in a relatively lower price than the drug with other components.
The best thing is that with herbal medicine, possible side effects less. With the right information and guidance, the use of herbal medicine is the answer ready to the increasing number of medical needs of everyone.Many medicinal plants grow in the area of Indonesia, but its existence is still wild, it is necessary to the preservation to be in use as a drug that can usefor the welfare of mankind.
Tuesday, 11 January 2011
Herbs Medicine For blood pressure
Annual small shrub, originating from Central America. Grows well start from the lowlands to an altitude of 800 meters above sea level. This plant likes places that are open, but not close the possibility can grow in a somewhat sheltered as well. Habitus shrubs grow sideways, plant height could reach 0.2 to 1 meter. Oval-shaped leaves, green, pinnate arranged alternating. Leaves about 2-6 cm long, 1-3 cm wide, and leaves a very short stalk. Stems and leaves contain a white latex.
The flowers axial (arising from axillary leaves). Petals small, shaped nails. Trumpet-shaped flower crown, tip broad, white, blue, pink or purple depending kultivarnya. The fruit-shaped gilig (cylinder), tip pointed, hairy, a length of about 1.5 to 2.5 cm, and has many seeds.
Flowers and leaves are a potential source of drugs for leukemia and Hodgkin's disease. Content of chemical substances are vincristine, vinblastine, reserpine, ajmalicine, and serpentine. Other Ingredients catharanthine, leurosine, norharman, lochnerine, tetrahydroalstonine, vindoline, vindolinine, akuammine, vincamine, vinleurosin, and vinrosidin. Various alkaloids are toxic. The signs of poisoning vinca are fever, sluggish, and vomiting within 24 hours. Other signs are neuropathy, loss of tendon reflexes, hallucinations, coma, and death.
These plants are not resistant to pruning and can die of it. Vinca usually propagated by seeds are soft. How, provide the old seeds, and Seeding at a nursery place. Enter the seeds into the soil, then cover with a layer of thick-thin soil seeds. Diligent watering. When the seeds begin to grow, and the height has reached approximately 15-20 cm, generally can be moved to the desired place. If you want to be planted in pots, the pot would need to be prepared using the earnings and the media. Pot can be made of clay, cement, or tin cans. Media cropping a mixture of fertile soil, compost, and manure (2: 1: 1). Seedlings planted directly, and then placed in the shade. A week later, placed in the open.
If you want to be planted in the garden courtyard, the ground needs to be made a hole measuring 15 x 151 x 15 cm, the distance between holes 50 cm. Each hole is given manure or compost as much as 1.5 kg. Enter the seedling into the hole, then fill with soil, and flush.
For maintenance, vinca not demand special treatment. Originally watered and fertilized, is sufficient. At the beginning of growth, use a high nitrogen content fertilizer, or fertilizer that is sprayed on the leaf lower surface of leaves in the morning. Then, when the plant starts to flower, to stimulate flowering, can be used a fertilizer that has a high phosphorus content. Well, if diligent care, would be guaranteed vinca will bloom throughout the year.
The flowers axial (arising from axillary leaves). Petals small, shaped nails. Trumpet-shaped flower crown, tip broad, white, blue, pink or purple depending kultivarnya. The fruit-shaped gilig (cylinder), tip pointed, hairy, a length of about 1.5 to 2.5 cm, and has many seeds.
Flowers and leaves are a potential source of drugs for leukemia and Hodgkin's disease. Content of chemical substances are vincristine, vinblastine, reserpine, ajmalicine, and serpentine. Other Ingredients catharanthine, leurosine, norharman, lochnerine, tetrahydroalstonine, vindoline, vindolinine, akuammine, vincamine, vinleurosin, and vinrosidin. Various alkaloids are toxic. The signs of poisoning vinca are fever, sluggish, and vomiting within 24 hours. Other signs are neuropathy, loss of tendon reflexes, hallucinations, coma, and death.
These plants are not resistant to pruning and can die of it. Vinca usually propagated by seeds are soft. How, provide the old seeds, and Seeding at a nursery place. Enter the seeds into the soil, then cover with a layer of thick-thin soil seeds. Diligent watering. When the seeds begin to grow, and the height has reached approximately 15-20 cm, generally can be moved to the desired place. If you want to be planted in pots, the pot would need to be prepared using the earnings and the media. Pot can be made of clay, cement, or tin cans. Media cropping a mixture of fertile soil, compost, and manure (2: 1: 1). Seedlings planted directly, and then placed in the shade. A week later, placed in the open.
If you want to be planted in the garden courtyard, the ground needs to be made a hole measuring 15 x 151 x 15 cm, the distance between holes 50 cm. Each hole is given manure or compost as much as 1.5 kg. Enter the seedling into the hole, then fill with soil, and flush.
For maintenance, vinca not demand special treatment. Originally watered and fertilized, is sufficient. At the beginning of growth, use a high nitrogen content fertilizer, or fertilizer that is sprayed on the leaf lower surface of leaves in the morning. Then, when the plant starts to flower, to stimulate flowering, can be used a fertilizer that has a high phosphorus content. Well, if diligent care, would be guaranteed vinca will bloom throughout the year.
Medicine for Cancer
Did you know this plant? To be sure you've seen this plant or other damp places. Impressed as plants that are not useful. But did you know that this Kitolod highly efficacious for treatment of disorders of the eye (nearsightedness, cataracts, minus and plus) and cancer?
Scientifically this plant has a scientific name or Isotoma longiflora Laurentia longiflora containing alkaloid compound that is lobelin, lobelamin and isotomin. The leaves contain alkaloids, saponins, flavonoids, and polyphenols. Plant sap is toxic, but other plant parts have anti-inflammatory effects (antiflamasi), anticancer (antineoplasmik), relieve pain and stop bleeding.
According to Prof. (HC) Dr. H.W. Isnandar, an expert on leadership TOGA Dayang Sumbi Jamu, we can use fresh flowers kitolod for treatment ranging from myopic eyes, cataracts and even eye minus and plus. Only by taking a fresh interest kitolod, and then inserted into a glass of water, glass covered and allowed 5 minutes and then used to soak merambang or eyes. This is done every day until cured. Besides the flowers, in some areas also used some leaves that had been cut kitolod bud, then the dip in a glass of clean water used for dripping and eyes. The eyes will feel very painful, used as continue to feel the pain diminished and disappeared.
Keep in mind, both flower and leaf kitolod used must be truly clean. It is recommended to use a leaf or flower kitolod are cultured, or not using tolod ki plants originating from a dirty place that ultimately it would exacerbate our eye disease.
Prof. DR (HC) H. W. Isnandar mention that kitolod also an important crop in curing cancer. Here is a potion to cure cancer:
There are 4 ingredients, namely:
Material I:
Scientifically this plant has a scientific name or Isotoma longiflora Laurentia longiflora containing alkaloid compound that is lobelin, lobelamin and isotomin. The leaves contain alkaloids, saponins, flavonoids, and polyphenols. Plant sap is toxic, but other plant parts have anti-inflammatory effects (antiflamasi), anticancer (antineoplasmik), relieve pain and stop bleeding.
According to Prof. (HC) Dr. H.W. Isnandar, an expert on leadership TOGA Dayang Sumbi Jamu, we can use fresh flowers kitolod for treatment ranging from myopic eyes, cataracts and even eye minus and plus. Only by taking a fresh interest kitolod, and then inserted into a glass of water, glass covered and allowed 5 minutes and then used to soak merambang or eyes. This is done every day until cured. Besides the flowers, in some areas also used some leaves that had been cut kitolod bud, then the dip in a glass of clean water used for dripping and eyes. The eyes will feel very painful, used as continue to feel the pain diminished and disappeared.
Keep in mind, both flower and leaf kitolod used must be truly clean. It is recommended to use a leaf or flower kitolod are cultured, or not using tolod ki plants originating from a dirty place that ultimately it would exacerbate our eye disease.
Prof. DR (HC) H. W. Isnandar mention that kitolod also an important crop in curing cancer. Here is a potion to cure cancer:
There are 4 ingredients, namely:
Material I:
Plant Kitolod 7 stalks (from root to leaf)
Ø Lempuyang 7 stalks (from root to leaf)
Ø kesambi (Inbau) 7 shoots
Ø Tea Parasite 7 pieces (wet)
Ø Parasite clove 7 pieces (wet)
Parasite Brown Ø 7 pieces (wet)
Ø Boil all ingredients with 3 cups of water to boil, reserving up to 2.5 cups. After the cold water wring it out and take it, set aside.
Material II:
Ø 2.5 kg of white Kunir
Bangle Ø 0.5 kg
Ø Lempuyang 0.5 kg
All material is shredded and squeezed without additional water. Set aside half an hour to take the juice only, while the remaining starch in the bottom removed.
Materials III:
Ø Seed kedawung 0.25 kg
Ø kedawung Fry without oil (toasted) to bloom and discard skin.
Ø then mashed and sifted fine, set aside.
Materials IV
Ø 2 cm Paku earth
Ø Jamurkayu one piece sheet of the palm of an adult
Grate the two ingredients are then mixed together with a third material.
How to make all the ingredients:
Ø The four above mentioned ingredients are mixed together and boil until boiling
Ø Add 350 grams of sugar and salt to taste
Ø Stir until blended and crystallized (dry)
Ø Remove and let cool
Ø Then sieve until smooth
How to use:
Mix 1 tablespoon of the ingredients above with 0.5 cups of warm water as needed.
Ø Lempuyang 7 stalks (from root to leaf)
Ø kesambi (Inbau) 7 shoots
Ø Tea Parasite 7 pieces (wet)
Ø Parasite clove 7 pieces (wet)
Parasite Brown Ø 7 pieces (wet)
Ø Boil all ingredients with 3 cups of water to boil, reserving up to 2.5 cups. After the cold water wring it out and take it, set aside.
Material II:
Ø 2.5 kg of white Kunir
Bangle Ø 0.5 kg
Ø Lempuyang 0.5 kg
All material is shredded and squeezed without additional water. Set aside half an hour to take the juice only, while the remaining starch in the bottom removed.
Materials III:
Ø Seed kedawung 0.25 kg
Ø kedawung Fry without oil (toasted) to bloom and discard skin.
Ø then mashed and sifted fine, set aside.
Materials IV
Ø 2 cm Paku earth
Ø Jamurkayu one piece sheet of the palm of an adult
Grate the two ingredients are then mixed together with a third material.
How to make all the ingredients:
Ø The four above mentioned ingredients are mixed together and boil until boiling
Ø Add 350 grams of sugar and salt to taste
Ø Stir until blended and crystallized (dry)
Ø Remove and let cool
Ø Then sieve until smooth
How to use:
Mix 1 tablespoon of the ingredients above with 0.5 cups of warm water as needed.
Cassava [Traditional Medicine Herbs
we are probably never thought that such simple food bobotokcassava leaves, cassava leaves or even opor cassava leaf vegetableshave a very good effect for health. All because the valuenutrients they contain very much. want to know?1. It has a fairly high protein content, source of energy equivalentwith carbohydrates, 4 calories per gram of protein.2. Active substances they contain can be used for medical materialsdrugs, unfortunately I do not know the name of the active substance it contains.3. Source of Vitamin A, each 100 grams, has a content of vitamin Areach 3300 RE, your eye health will be better.4. High in fiber, may help bowel movements becomemore orderly and smoothly and prevent colon cancer and diseaseheart.5. Content of vit c per 100 grams of cassava leaves reached 275 mg, youget rid of canker sores and your immune system can moremaintained by the intake of vitamin C.Do you have other healthy food alternatives? Looking forward to her poststo increase knowledge nettesrs another.Hopefully useful.
Published November 29th, 2010,,,
Cloves Plants
Cloves are known by the Latin name Syzygium aromaticum or Eugenia aromaticum. Indonesian native plants are classified into the plant family Myrtaceae in the order Myrtales. Until now, most of the needs of the world's clove (80%) are still supplied by Indonesia, followed by Madagascar and Tanzania.
Cloves are used as ingredients blend cigarettes, as well as food flavoring. Distinctive clove scent produced by the compound eugenol, which is the main compound (72-90%) constituent of essential oil of clove. Eugenol has antiseptic
In addition to eugenol, clove essential oil also contains compounds acetyl eugenol, beta-caryophyllene, and vanillin. There is also the content of tannins, galotanat acid, methyl salicylate (a pain relieving substances), krategolat acid, a variety of flavonoid compounds (ie eugenin, kaempferol, rhamnetin, and eugenitin), various triterpenoid compounds (ie oleanolat acid, stigmasterol, and kampesterol), as well as contain a variety of sesquiterpene
Clove essential oil is used to treat pain in the tooth. Cloves have a nature capable of increasing gastric acid production, invigorate the digestive tract peristalsis, also regarded as a natural de-worming
In traditional Chinese medicine, cloves (ding xiang), have mentioned the nature of spicy, warm, aromatic, and can maintain the warmth (a) of the kidney (1). Therefore, it is able to maintain body heat (a), the clove should only be used to treat diseases associated with lack of the body, such as impotence, vomiting and diarrhea due to coldness of the stomach and spleen, as well as morning sickness (which the cloves are combined with ginseng and plant Pogostemon cablin)
Has been scientifically shown that clove able to cure a toothache, relieve pain due to fever, mosquito repellent, and prevention of premature ejaculation. Cloves can lower blood sugar levels
Besides the benefits mentioned above, cloves also have side effects. In the digestive tract, cloves can be irritating, and should not be consumed by people suffering from gastritis, and colitis (inflammation of the intestinal wall). When consumed in excess, cloves will cause nausea, vomiting, dizziness, diarrhea, and upper gastrointestinal bleeding. In severe cases loss of consciousness can occur, hallucinations and even death (1). So the only reasonable use of clove
Cat's whiskers (Orthosiphon Spicatus BBS)
Cat's whiskers (Orthosiphon Spicatus BBS) in the form of shrubs, wet trunk, the height can reach 1.5 meters. Can be grown in a dry or wet at an altitude of 700 meters above sea level, this plant has leaves egg-shaped spurs, leaves coarsely toothed edges. The flowers out stamen and pistil, white or purple.
This plant has a number of benefits to cure various kinds of diseases. The leaves contain levels of potassium (boorsma) is quite high. He also contain glycosides orthosiphonin believed to dissolve uric acid, phosphate and oxalate from the body. Especially from the bladder, bile and kidney.
According to the Atlas of Plant Medicine by Dr. Setiawan Dalimartha Indonesia, as quoted by website association data center hospitals throughout Indonesia (Persi), cat's whiskers plant flower is a compound flower in the bunch that came out at the end of the branching. The color is pale purple or white while the stamens longer than the flower tube. Fruit cat's whiskers in the form of fruit boxes and egg-shaped. These plants can be propagated by seeds or stem cuttings.
Herba this plant sweet yet slightly bitter taste. Herb cat's whiskers can be used to treat a number of diseases namely acute and chronic kidney infections, arthritis, high blood pressure, diabetes, bladder stones and bladder infections. To treat kidney infections and hypertension, 30 grams of washing fresh herbs cat's whiskers, herb leaves and grass snake tongue spoon. Boil it all in tigha cups of water until only the remaining one cup. Once cool, strain the water and then drink half a cup twice a day.
For those who suffer from urinary tract infections, frequent urination (volume a bit and Anyang-anyangan), can be tried healing with herbs fresh herb leaves cat whiskers, meniran, and roots of reeds 30 grams each and then washed clean. The materials are then cut as necessary and then boiled in three cups of water until only the remaining half. Once cool, the water and then drink half a glass each of three times a day.
To treat urinary stones, 90 grams of herbs cat's whiskers washed and then boiled in a liter of water until boiling and the remaining 750 cc. Once cool, drink as much as three times a day each third section. Drink this mixture until the disease is cured.
This plant has a number of benefits to cure various kinds of diseases. The leaves contain levels of potassium (boorsma) is quite high. He also contain glycosides orthosiphonin believed to dissolve uric acid, phosphate and oxalate from the body. Especially from the bladder, bile and kidney.
According to the Atlas of Plant Medicine by Dr. Setiawan Dalimartha Indonesia, as quoted by website association data center hospitals throughout Indonesia (Persi), cat's whiskers plant flower is a compound flower in the bunch that came out at the end of the branching. The color is pale purple or white while the stamens longer than the flower tube. Fruit cat's whiskers in the form of fruit boxes and egg-shaped. These plants can be propagated by seeds or stem cuttings.
Herba this plant sweet yet slightly bitter taste. Herb cat's whiskers can be used to treat a number of diseases namely acute and chronic kidney infections, arthritis, high blood pressure, diabetes, bladder stones and bladder infections. To treat kidney infections and hypertension, 30 grams of washing fresh herbs cat's whiskers, herb leaves and grass snake tongue spoon. Boil it all in tigha cups of water until only the remaining one cup. Once cool, strain the water and then drink half a cup twice a day.
For those who suffer from urinary tract infections, frequent urination (volume a bit and Anyang-anyangan), can be tried healing with herbs fresh herb leaves cat whiskers, meniran, and roots of reeds 30 grams each and then washed clean. The materials are then cut as necessary and then boiled in three cups of water until only the remaining half. Once cool, the water and then drink half a glass each of three times a day.
To treat urinary stones, 90 grams of herbs cat's whiskers washed and then boiled in a liter of water until boiling and the remaining 750 cc. Once cool, drink as much as three times a day each third section. Drink this mixture until the disease is cured.
Tagetes erecta L.
An annual herb that grows upright 60-70 cm tall, becabang, and smelled bad. Planted in the yard and gardens as an ornamental plant. Single leaf, pinnate share so deep that resembles the odd pinnate compound leaves. Taju children on both sides of leaves 5-9, lanceolate to narrow elongated shape, with rounded glandular spots near tapinya, it's green. Single flower, hump-shaped, yellow or orange color. Fruit hard, form lines, and black.
Solution of flowers can be used to kill maggots in the plant. Way, the mill rate (3g) until smooth, then add one quart of water. Strain and ready to be used to spray crops.
Nature and Benefits
Flowers bitter taste, its cool, distinctive smell. Tahi kotok efficacious anti-inflammatory, dilute phlegm, cough medicine, laxative urine (diuretic), and improve digestive disorders.
Chemical Ingredients
Containing 0.1% interest tegetiin terthienyl, helenian 0.74%, flavoxanthin.
Used Parts
Part used as medicine is the flower. Flowers can be dried for storage. The leaves also have medicinal and oil.
Flowers are used to overcome:
* Inflammation of the eye (konjunkvitis)
* Whooping cough (pertussis), inflammation of the airways (bronchitis),
* Sore throat, thrush,
* Toothache,
* Abdominal bloating, nausea,
* Hot seizures in children
How to Use:
For drugs taken, boiled dried flowers (5-15g), then drink the water.
For external use, wash the fresh flowers, then milled until smooth. Add white rice vinegar to taste, then use as a poultice in place of the sick, such as mumps (parotitis), breast inflammation (mastitis), and stiff (Rheumatism).
Fresh roots and leaves can also be used as a poultice for sores on the skin (piodermi). How milled until smooth and paste it on the sick.
Farmakologis Securities and Research Results
Menguapnya oil content of pyrethrin and efficacious in vitro bactericidal and fungsidal.
Example Usage
Whooping cough (pertussis):
* Boil the dried flower droppings kotok (15g) and palm sugar (to taste) with two cups of water until the water remains one glasses.
* Once cool, strain and drink the water twice a day, each half a glass.
Toothache, sore eyes
* Boil dried flowers kotok droppings (15g) with two cups of water until the remaining one cup.
* Once cool, strain and drink the water twice a day. Each half-cup.
Sore eyes
* Wash fresh flowers kotok tahi (one bud), then boiled.
* Once cool, strain and use to wash the eyes of the sick with a glass eye.
White Wood
WHITE WOOD already since the time our ancestors used to overcome various health problems. Utilization is certainly known long before the bulk of technology to explore its oil content.
Eucalyptus leaves for example, had always been used to reduce pain and swelling caused by insect bites. Leaves that have been used as extract or dried herb commonly used for stamina enhancer.
Mosquito repellent
Fadl, a number of residents in Cinere, Jakarta, deliberately planting eucalyptus as an insect repellent in the side yard of his house. "Also planted in the yard, I also usually put in the room, in the pot. The room was free of mosquitoes, "he said.
The smell of this plant that makes mosquitoes or insects do not want to be around her.
Eucalyptus leaves can also be rubbing medication directly to the skin so that mosquitoes are not willing to descend. Enough to knead or squeeze-pound leaves, then a to the skin.
If you want to use the whole plant eucalyptus as mosquito repellent, simply place it in the room. To be effective halaunya power, Fadl comparison exemplifies the room with plants, namely for the room 2 times 3 meters enough plantation timber filled with a white one meter. "If the larger chamber, the plants would be more," he said.
Plant named Latin Melaleuca L. leucadendra These were hereditary known in traditional medicine, such as to cope with whooping cough. Sukarsih claimed to have had whooping cough or experience of ordinary people call it a hundred-day cough.
"My parents have brought to the doctor for treatment, but the results have not yet exist. One day when visiting relatives, I was advised to drink potions kencur and eucalyptus oil, "he recalls.
How to use it is, two medium size grated rhizome kencur to take water. Mix with warm water to taste and add a few drops of eucalyptus oil.
This herb is drunk every morning and night before bed. "As a result, when evening came, his cough was much reduced," he said.
After a week drinking the potion, he was recovering from whooping cough. "Currently, the treatment I also applied to children, the results are not mengmengecewakan. That would be cheaper than the shuttle to the doctor, "he said.
Distilled Leaf
Development of refining technology have shifted the use of eucalyptus as a whole. The major crops are essential oils, which can be processed after the distillation process.
No wonder, within a year to reach thousands of liters of products for a variety of household and industrial purposes, ranging from oil scrub, a mixture of soap, perfume, to the drug.
Eucalyptus is included commodities of high economic value. In general, the source of eucalyptus oil refinery comes from the leaves, and commonly known as eucalyptus oil (cajeput oil).
Because it can relieve a variety of complaints, people refer to as the multi-purpose white wood. Just look, the oil is commonly used from the start liniment to reduce swelling and itching due to insect bites, toothache, headache, fatigue, muscle cramps, abdominal bloating, bruising, up to a mixture of cough medicine.
Numerous surveys have shown, the plant is efficacious diaforetik (peluruh perspiration), analgesic (pain reliever), disinfectants (germ killers), expectorants (peluruh phlegm), and antispasmodik (abdominal pain).
Single Or Mixed
Eucalyptus leaves can be used as a mixture of various herbs. You can also use eucalyptus oil products are easily found in the market, or mixed with other ingredients.
Here's an example of using white wood for a variety of complaints:
Drug injury
* Crushed some fresh eucalyptus leaves. Boreh into the skin of the wound because of the sting or insect bite to reduce pain and swelling.
* Handful of fresh eucalyptus leaves boiled with water to taste. Clean the wound before it was washed with water boiled eucalyptus leaves. Do not use the cooking water for old wounds, to avoid infection.
Rinse and two rhizome kencur, grated, then squeeze to take water. Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil. Add a little warm water and a teaspoon of honey, then drink.
Pain relief
Use eucalyptus oil on the market. Apply to the painful body part or as a massage oil to relieve abdominal bloating, headaches, and colds.
Mosquito repellent
* Place eucalyptus plants in the room or dab of eucalyptus oil into your arms and legs for mosquitoes do not interfere. Avoid the use of oil before a bath because it can cause discomfort.
* If you use eucalyptus essential oils, uapkan with a furnace that will spread the scent throughout the room. Make sure the furnace combustion process is going well, so it does not cause shortness of breath.
Eucalyptus leaves for example, had always been used to reduce pain and swelling caused by insect bites. Leaves that have been used as extract or dried herb commonly used for stamina enhancer.
Mosquito repellent
Fadl, a number of residents in Cinere, Jakarta, deliberately planting eucalyptus as an insect repellent in the side yard of his house. "Also planted in the yard, I also usually put in the room, in the pot. The room was free of mosquitoes, "he said.
The smell of this plant that makes mosquitoes or insects do not want to be around her.
Eucalyptus leaves can also be rubbing medication directly to the skin so that mosquitoes are not willing to descend. Enough to knead or squeeze-pound leaves, then a to the skin.
If you want to use the whole plant eucalyptus as mosquito repellent, simply place it in the room. To be effective halaunya power, Fadl comparison exemplifies the room with plants, namely for the room 2 times 3 meters enough plantation timber filled with a white one meter. "If the larger chamber, the plants would be more," he said.
Plant named Latin Melaleuca L. leucadendra These were hereditary known in traditional medicine, such as to cope with whooping cough. Sukarsih claimed to have had whooping cough or experience of ordinary people call it a hundred-day cough.
"My parents have brought to the doctor for treatment, but the results have not yet exist. One day when visiting relatives, I was advised to drink potions kencur and eucalyptus oil, "he recalls.
How to use it is, two medium size grated rhizome kencur to take water. Mix with warm water to taste and add a few drops of eucalyptus oil.
This herb is drunk every morning and night before bed. "As a result, when evening came, his cough was much reduced," he said.
After a week drinking the potion, he was recovering from whooping cough. "Currently, the treatment I also applied to children, the results are not mengmengecewakan. That would be cheaper than the shuttle to the doctor, "he said.
Distilled Leaf
Development of refining technology have shifted the use of eucalyptus as a whole. The major crops are essential oils, which can be processed after the distillation process.
No wonder, within a year to reach thousands of liters of products for a variety of household and industrial purposes, ranging from oil scrub, a mixture of soap, perfume, to the drug.
Eucalyptus is included commodities of high economic value. In general, the source of eucalyptus oil refinery comes from the leaves, and commonly known as eucalyptus oil (cajeput oil).
Because it can relieve a variety of complaints, people refer to as the multi-purpose white wood. Just look, the oil is commonly used from the start liniment to reduce swelling and itching due to insect bites, toothache, headache, fatigue, muscle cramps, abdominal bloating, bruising, up to a mixture of cough medicine.
Numerous surveys have shown, the plant is efficacious diaforetik (peluruh perspiration), analgesic (pain reliever), disinfectants (germ killers), expectorants (peluruh phlegm), and antispasmodik (abdominal pain).
Single Or Mixed
Eucalyptus leaves can be used as a mixture of various herbs. You can also use eucalyptus oil products are easily found in the market, or mixed with other ingredients.
Here's an example of using white wood for a variety of complaints:
Drug injury
* Crushed some fresh eucalyptus leaves. Boreh into the skin of the wound because of the sting or insect bite to reduce pain and swelling.
* Handful of fresh eucalyptus leaves boiled with water to taste. Clean the wound before it was washed with water boiled eucalyptus leaves. Do not use the cooking water for old wounds, to avoid infection.
Rinse and two rhizome kencur, grated, then squeeze to take water. Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil. Add a little warm water and a teaspoon of honey, then drink.
Pain relief
Use eucalyptus oil on the market. Apply to the painful body part or as a massage oil to relieve abdominal bloating, headaches, and colds.
Mosquito repellent
* Place eucalyptus plants in the room or dab of eucalyptus oil into your arms and legs for mosquitoes do not interfere. Avoid the use of oil before a bath because it can cause discomfort.
* If you use eucalyptus essential oils, uapkan with a furnace that will spread the scent throughout the room. Make sure the furnace combustion process is going well, so it does not cause shortness of breath.
Euphorbia Pulcherrima
Kastuba (Euphorbia pulcherrima) or poinsettia is a subtropical plant that originated from southern Mexico and Central America. The poinsettia was named after the first United States ambassador to Mexico, who introduced these plants to the U.S. in 1825.
Leaves the top of the red line with colorful Christmas ornaments. In countries with cool climates, kastuba used as an ornamental plant that is difficult to obtain a replacement interest in winter.
In South American folklore, kastuba is a major figure in the creation myths that believed the Maya as a powerful creature from another world. In the Nahuatl language, this plant is called cuitlaxochitl (interest dirt), as the seeds grow on dung of birds that eat seeds kastuba. In Spanish, this plant is called flor de pascua (Easter flower), flor de nochebuena (flower Christmas Eve), or arbolito de Navidad (Christmas plants).
Plant shrubs with a height from 60 cm to 4 meters. Leaves oval-shaped leaves, dark green, about 7-16 cm long. Flowers called cyathia clustered at the end of the stem are arranged in series and do not have petals, but underneath there is the upper leaves (called braktea) a dark red, pink, and white. Leaf color of plants that attract the top is often mistaken as flowers
Outside his native habitat, these plants are cultivated in a greenhouse. Plants like the morning sun, but happy when the day began to shade in the heat. In countries with cool climates, the plants can not stand the cold weather below 10 ° C and not suitable for planting outdoors.
Family Paul Ecke of Encinitas California is known as a producer of varieties kastuba lush and bright. Of the more than 100 varieties available, leaves the top varieties with bright red parents (varieties Freedom, Barbara Ecke Supreme, Mrs. Paul Ecke, and Angelica), preferably as an ornamental plant to welcome the celebration of Christmas. Some of the less popular varieties have leaves the top of the pink (Dorothe), white, and beige (Regina, Ecke's White). There are also varieties with leaves of orange, light green, and a mixture of beige and red. [1]
Having maintained for some time, often do not want anymore Kastuba red leaves like a new time of purchase. Plants should be placed in a dark place for a long time to want to bloom. Long nights in the fall is necessary for plants to be flowering, and flowering plants would not be affected even if only a little light at night. In the tropics, plants that do not want red leaves can be tricked by closing the top of the plants with cloth or black plastic and kept away from sunlight.
Kastuba can be propagated by cuttings, pieces of old branches immersed in a container of water before it is plugged into the planting medium consisting of a mixture of soil and sand. Before placing a container of water, which is on the stem sap must be wiped first.
Leaves the top of the red line with colorful Christmas ornaments. In countries with cool climates, kastuba used as an ornamental plant that is difficult to obtain a replacement interest in winter.
In South American folklore, kastuba is a major figure in the creation myths that believed the Maya as a powerful creature from another world. In the Nahuatl language, this plant is called cuitlaxochitl (interest dirt), as the seeds grow on dung of birds that eat seeds kastuba. In Spanish, this plant is called flor de pascua (Easter flower), flor de nochebuena (flower Christmas Eve), or arbolito de Navidad (Christmas plants).
Plant shrubs with a height from 60 cm to 4 meters. Leaves oval-shaped leaves, dark green, about 7-16 cm long. Flowers called cyathia clustered at the end of the stem are arranged in series and do not have petals, but underneath there is the upper leaves (called braktea) a dark red, pink, and white. Leaf color of plants that attract the top is often mistaken as flowers
Outside his native habitat, these plants are cultivated in a greenhouse. Plants like the morning sun, but happy when the day began to shade in the heat. In countries with cool climates, the plants can not stand the cold weather below 10 ° C and not suitable for planting outdoors.
Family Paul Ecke of Encinitas California is known as a producer of varieties kastuba lush and bright. Of the more than 100 varieties available, leaves the top varieties with bright red parents (varieties Freedom, Barbara Ecke Supreme, Mrs. Paul Ecke, and Angelica), preferably as an ornamental plant to welcome the celebration of Christmas. Some of the less popular varieties have leaves the top of the pink (Dorothe), white, and beige (Regina, Ecke's White). There are also varieties with leaves of orange, light green, and a mixture of beige and red. [1]
Having maintained for some time, often do not want anymore Kastuba red leaves like a new time of purchase. Plants should be placed in a dark place for a long time to want to bloom. Long nights in the fall is necessary for plants to be flowering, and flowering plants would not be affected even if only a little light at night. In the tropics, plants that do not want red leaves can be tricked by closing the top of the plants with cloth or black plastic and kept away from sunlight.
Kastuba can be propagated by cuttings, pieces of old branches immersed in a container of water before it is plugged into the planting medium consisting of a mixture of soil and sand. Before placing a container of water, which is on the stem sap must be wiped first.
is growing vine. Often used as gendola or circular arch over the street park. There are named binahong and comes from Korea. However, this plant is already long existed in Indonesia and called gendola (Basella rubra Linn.)
Almost all parts of the plant binahong like tubers, stems and leaves can be used in herbal therapy. Now the seedlings easily bought at a tourist attraction Kopeng. This plant is grown in both cold and humid environments.
The benefits of this plant has been picked Soejiyo, a former employee that normal Kanindotex nglaju Solo-Semarang every time work. He said, binahong are herbs that can restore a lackluster stamina.
Besides increasing the vitality of man, binahong to heal wounds within and outside such as after surgery, typus, ulcers, colitis, and hemorrhoid. Can also cope with the swelling and blood clots, restoring the condition of weak after the illness, arthritis, bruising hit, uric acid and prevent stroke.
For use in, Soejiyo meraciknya as follows: take the rhizome (bulb) to taste, washed, then boiled, filtered, and the results after a cold drink 2-3 times a day, this way to heal the wound scar, ulcer, typhus, dysentery, physical fitness (add eggs and honey), to prevent stroke, gout and lumbago.
However, the tuber can also be dried, then finely ground, then put in a capsule 0.5 mh and drink 3 times a day.
For external use only, finely ground leaves and stems and then smeared on the affected part. This material is to heal bruises due to hit, hit the fire (heat), rheumatic, stiff, sore muscles, soften skin.
Tuber other ingredients mixed together by boiling betel leaf, ginger with an odd comparison: 7, 9, 13 to healing the heart swelling, swelling of the liver, diabetes, kidney damage and inflammation of the colon.
The stem to overcome the weaknesses of men, which taken by the sap is applied to the penis, then set aside some time to do intercourse with wife. If digodog with kencur (3 cups to cup) drink each night for one week, the results also
is growing vine. Often used as gendola or circular arch over the street park. There are named binahong and comes from Korea. However, this plant is already long existed in Indonesia and called gendola (Basella rubra Linn.)
Almost all parts of the plant binahong like tubers, stems and leaves can be used in herbal therapy. Now the seedlings easily bought at a tourist attraction Kopeng. This plant is grown in both cold and humid environments.
The benefits of this plant has been picked Soejiyo, a former employee that normal Kanindotex nglaju Solo-Semarang every time work. He said, binahong are herbs that can restore a lackluster stamina.
Besides increasing the vitality of man, binahong to heal wounds within and outside such as after surgery, typus, ulcers, colitis, and hemorrhoid. Can also cope with the swelling and blood clots, restoring the condition of weak after the illness, arthritis, bruising hit, uric acid and prevent stroke.
For use in, Soejiyo meraciknya as follows: take the rhizome (bulb) to taste, washed, then boiled, filtered, and the results after a cold drink 2-3 times a day, this way to heal the wound scar, ulcer, typhus, dysentery, physical fitness (add eggs and honey), to prevent stroke, gout and lumbago.
However, the tuber can also be dried, then finely ground, then put in a capsule 0.5 mh and drink 3 times a day.
For external use only, finely ground leaves and stems and then smeared on the affected part. This material is to heal bruises due to hit, hit the fire (heat), rheumatic, stiff, sore muscles, soften skin.
Tuber other ingredients mixed together by boiling betel leaf, ginger with an odd comparison: 7, 9, 13 to healing the heart swelling, swelling of the liver, diabetes, kidney damage and inflammation of the colon.
The stem to overcome the weaknesses of men, which taken by the sap is applied to the penis, then set aside some time to do intercourse with wife. If digodog with kencur (3 cups to cup) drink each night for one week, the results also
Wise Woman Tradition
After I read the book, I went Forestry to obtain plants that are mentioned, after some days we find it and most of these plants growing wild in the wild, not much known by the public at large.
My wife and planting these plants in the yard, is to maintain a saay we need it as an alternative medicine
Many plants we ask our neighbors as family medicine, and they get rid of the weed plant,,
Healing Wise is one of the best books I have ever owned. I have referenced back to this book so much that I am afraid the pages are going to fall out. Susun Weed, who is the author of this book, teaches us the importance of using herbs that grow in our own back yards and reconnecting the invisible thread that was given to us from our foremothers.
Susun Weeds goes into depth about some of the most common herbs either found in most back yards in the United States or can easily be found in the wild here. She speaks about: Burdock,
Chickweed, Dandelion, Nettle, Oatstraw, Seaweeds and Violets in great details.
In "Healing Wise" her unique style of communicating with the herbs, not only is very informative, but is written and explained in a way that seems like the plants are speaking directly to you. The very first day I began reading this book-in no time I was out in my own back yard looking for the plants that she was describing. Not only was I able to find some of them, but I gained a great respect for these plants which many call "weeds".
Susun Weeds teachings are called Wise Woman Tradition. This tradition is the oldest tradition of healing known on the planet. Yet, it is rarely identified, rarely written about and very seldom talked about. The wise woman and the Wise Woman tradition have been invisible for thousands of years.
The tradition of good health is flexibility, openness to change, availability to transformation and being grounded. The symbol for this method of healing is the spiral. Substance, thought, feeling and spirit are inseparable in the Wise Woman Tradition. There are no rules, no texts, no rites, in this tradition it is constantly changing, constantly being re-invented.
My wife and planting these plants in the yard, is to maintain a saay we need it as an alternative medicine
Many plants we ask our neighbors as family medicine, and they get rid of the weed plant,,
Healing Wise is one of the best books I have ever owned. I have referenced back to this book so much that I am afraid the pages are going to fall out. Susun Weed, who is the author of this book, teaches us the importance of using herbs that grow in our own back yards and reconnecting the invisible thread that was given to us from our foremothers.
Susun Weeds goes into depth about some of the most common herbs either found in most back yards in the United States or can easily be found in the wild here. She speaks about: Burdock,
Chickweed, Dandelion, Nettle, Oatstraw, Seaweeds and Violets in great details.
In "Healing Wise" her unique style of communicating with the herbs, not only is very informative, but is written and explained in a way that seems like the plants are speaking directly to you. The very first day I began reading this book-in no time I was out in my own back yard looking for the plants that she was describing. Not only was I able to find some of them, but I gained a great respect for these plants which many call "weeds".
Susun Weeds teachings are called Wise Woman Tradition. This tradition is the oldest tradition of healing known on the planet. Yet, it is rarely identified, rarely written about and very seldom talked about. The wise woman and the Wise Woman tradition have been invisible for thousands of years.
The tradition of good health is flexibility, openness to change, availability to transformation and being grounded. The symbol for this method of healing is the spiral. Substance, thought, feeling and spirit are inseparable in the Wise Woman Tradition. There are no rules, no texts, no rites, in this tradition it is constantly changing, constantly being re-invented.
Types of Medicine herbs
In Indonesia the very existence of herbal medicine is popular among the people, and here a lot of growing medicinal plants, such as the crown of god, ginger, turmeric, bay leaves, sere, and many more, but unfortunately very few drug industry professionals develop, and still less the experts who conducted research on medicinal plants here, the same china country that its traditional medicine industry growing rapidly
there are many positive aspects that herbal medicine has going for it. Unfortunately, the lack of adequate scientific understanding means that there is no way a doctor can completely take responsibility for what is prescribed and hence the safety factor involved in taking herbal medicines is suspect. The drugs that we normally take have to undergo thorough testing and need FDA approval. This entire process ensures that every single chemical in the medicine and its interaction with the human body (and resulting side effects) are well understood, documented, and scientifically demonstrable. While herbal medicines enjoy the reputation of being less complicated it should be remembered that they are manufactured by Mother Nature and she does not need FDA approval or scientific testing. So, herbal medicines might be risky but there is no need to worry if you take the simple precaution of consulting your doctor before consuming any herbal concoction. Doctors are sort of walking pharmacopoeias and they know more about all those chemicals and REMEMBER: They can advise you properly.
Another thing to know with herbal medicine is that different cultures have resulted in different types of herbal therapies.
Pandan Wangi [Pandanus Amaryllifolius]
Pandan Wangi, or Often Called Fragrant pandan, in a very easy plant usually grown with the growth of saplings. . Balinese ceremonies are complementary tetandingan Often used cymbals. However, in the health world, pandanus fragrance has a variety of benefits to care for themselves and cope with Various complaints disease. But there is one Very Important properties, namely Increased appetite. Following his way mix. Pandan fragrance has a sweet smell (aromatic) and is cool. Some of the chemicals contained in Fragrant pandan include alkaloids, saponins, flavonoids, tannins, polyphenols, and dyestuffs.
Effects of these Fragrant pandan farmokologis strengthen nerve (tonic), increase of appetite (stomachica) and tranquilizers (sedatives), weak nervous (neurastenia), no appetite, pain accompanied by restlessness, high blood pressure (hypertension), arthritis, stiff, discolor hair , hair loss, and dandruff.
Propagation Fragrant pandanus plants by using seedlings or stem cuttings. Fragrant Pandan treated with water sufficiently watered, kept moist soil, and fertilized with a basal fertilizer. These plants require adequate sunlight. Fresh Fragrant pandan leaves cans be useful to treat diseases installments Including:
1. . Dandruff Rinse and 7 pieces of fresh Fragrant pandan leaves, Until then mash smooth. Add 100 ml of water, stir then strain. Apply the mixture Until evenly distributed on the scalp. Let stand for 30 minutes, then rinse hair with water. Do it regularly.
1. Nerve weakness (neurasthenia) Rinse and 5 pieces of fresh Fragrant pandan leaves and then cut into small pieces. Boiled with 600 ml of water Until the remaining 400 ml. Pls cool, strain and drink Boiled water twice a day (morning and evening) EACH 200 ml.
1. 3. Discolor hair Rinse and 7 pieces of fresh Fragrant pandan leaves and 5 leaves mangkokan (Nothopanax scutellarium). Cut all ingredients into small pieces, add 1 quart of water, then Boiled Until the water is green. Chill and embunkan cooking water overnight. Use the cooking water to wash your hair. Lalukan three times a week Until you see the results.
1. 4. Hair Loss Rinse and 2 pieces of fresh Fragrant pandan leaves, 5 leaves mangkokan (Nothopanax scutellarium), 10 young leaves of hibiscus (Hibiscus tiliaceus), 10 jasmine flowers (Jasminum sambac A.), 1 Rosebud (Rosa chinensis jasq.) 60 grams of leaves of the aring (Eclipta alba L.), 100 ml sesame oil (Sesanum indicum), 100 ml of hazelnut oil (Aleurites molumlana Willd.), and 100 ml of coconut oil (Cocos nucifera). Mix all ingredients, then boil Until the pot boiling by using email. Once cool, strain the cooking water, then rub on her scalp massage.
1. 5. Rheumatism and stiff Rinse and 5 pieces of fresh Fragrant pandan leaves, then cut into small pieces. Boil pieces of Fragrant pandan leaves 400 ml water Until the remaining 200 ml. Pls cool, strain the Boiled water, then drink all at once one time.
1. 6. High blood pressure Rinse and 10 grams of fresh Fragrant pandan leaves, then cut into small pieces. Boil pieces of pandan leaves with 400 ml of water Until the remaining 200 ml. Pls cool, strain the Boiled water, then drinks at the Same time once a day.
1. 7. No appetite Rinse and 10 grams of fresh Fragrant pandan leaves, then cut into small pieces. Brewed pieces pandan pandan leaves with ½ cup hot water. Once cool, strain and drink 2 times a day in the morning and afternoon EACH ¼ cup.
Effects of these Fragrant pandan farmokologis strengthen nerve (tonic), increase of appetite (stomachica) and tranquilizers (sedatives), weak nervous (neurastenia), no appetite, pain accompanied by restlessness, high blood pressure (hypertension), arthritis, stiff, discolor hair , hair loss, and dandruff.
Propagation Fragrant pandanus plants by using seedlings or stem cuttings. Fragrant Pandan treated with water sufficiently watered, kept moist soil, and fertilized with a basal fertilizer. These plants require adequate sunlight. Fresh Fragrant pandan leaves cans be useful to treat diseases installments Including:
1. . Dandruff Rinse and 7 pieces of fresh Fragrant pandan leaves, Until then mash smooth. Add 100 ml of water, stir then strain. Apply the mixture Until evenly distributed on the scalp. Let stand for 30 minutes, then rinse hair with water. Do it regularly.
1. Nerve weakness (neurasthenia) Rinse and 5 pieces of fresh Fragrant pandan leaves and then cut into small pieces. Boiled with 600 ml of water Until the remaining 400 ml. Pls cool, strain and drink Boiled water twice a day (morning and evening) EACH 200 ml.
1. 3. Discolor hair Rinse and 7 pieces of fresh Fragrant pandan leaves and 5 leaves mangkokan (Nothopanax scutellarium). Cut all ingredients into small pieces, add 1 quart of water, then Boiled Until the water is green. Chill and embunkan cooking water overnight. Use the cooking water to wash your hair. Lalukan three times a week Until you see the results.
1. 4. Hair Loss Rinse and 2 pieces of fresh Fragrant pandan leaves, 5 leaves mangkokan (Nothopanax scutellarium), 10 young leaves of hibiscus (Hibiscus tiliaceus), 10 jasmine flowers (Jasminum sambac A.), 1 Rosebud (Rosa chinensis jasq.) 60 grams of leaves of the aring (Eclipta alba L.), 100 ml sesame oil (Sesanum indicum), 100 ml of hazelnut oil (Aleurites molumlana Willd.), and 100 ml of coconut oil (Cocos nucifera). Mix all ingredients, then boil Until the pot boiling by using email. Once cool, strain the cooking water, then rub on her scalp massage.
1. 5. Rheumatism and stiff Rinse and 5 pieces of fresh Fragrant pandan leaves, then cut into small pieces. Boil pieces of Fragrant pandan leaves 400 ml water Until the remaining 200 ml. Pls cool, strain the Boiled water, then drink all at once one time.
1. 6. High blood pressure Rinse and 10 grams of fresh Fragrant pandan leaves, then cut into small pieces. Boil pieces of pandan leaves with 400 ml of water Until the remaining 200 ml. Pls cool, strain the Boiled water, then drinks at the Same time once a day.
1. 7. No appetite Rinse and 10 grams of fresh Fragrant pandan leaves, then cut into small pieces. Brewed pieces pandan pandan leaves with ½ cup hot water. Once cool, strain and drink 2 times a day in the morning and afternoon EACH ¼ cup.
Piper crocatum
Red betel is one type of medicinal plants, can grow well in the highlands and the lowlands, usually red betel do not like with plenty of water
Red betel (Piper crocatum) included in the family Piperaceae, growing vine with heart-like leaf shape and stemmed, who grew up alternating from stem and leaf appearance is silvery and shiny red. In the red betel leaf contains chemical compounds that phytoplankton-alkoloid, saponins, tannins and flavonoids. Empirically red betel can cure many diseases such as diabetes mellitus, hepatitis, kidney stones, lower cholesterol, prevent stroke, gout, cancer, hypertension, inflammation of the liver, inflammation of the prostate, eye inflammation, vaginal discharge, ulcers, fatigue, joint pain and refine skin. Results of preclinical tests in mice with the extract up to a dose of 20 g / kg body weight, safe to eat and not toxic. Even so to get optimal results, it should be combined with red betel other herbs.
In general, if we use red betel properly, in accordance with aturanya it does not cause negative effects to the female reproductive organs. On the contrary, red betel is used to reduce the discharge and maintain female organs because one of the properties of red betel is as antiseptic, by boiling 7-10 red betel leaves, then use the cooking water to rinse the female organs.
Red betel (Piper crocatum) included in the family Piperaceae, growing vine with heart-like leaf shape and stemmed, who grew up alternating from stem and leaf appearance is silvery and shiny red. In the red betel leaf contains chemical compounds that phytoplankton-alkoloid, saponins, tannins and flavonoids. Empirically red betel can cure many diseases such as diabetes mellitus, hepatitis, kidney stones, lower cholesterol, prevent stroke, gout, cancer, hypertension, inflammation of the liver, inflammation of the prostate, eye inflammation, vaginal discharge, ulcers, fatigue, joint pain and refine skin. Results of preclinical tests in mice with the extract up to a dose of 20 g / kg body weight, safe to eat and not toxic. Even so to get optimal results, it should be combined with red betel other herbs.
In general, if we use red betel properly, in accordance with aturanya it does not cause negative effects to the female reproductive organs. On the contrary, red betel is used to reduce the discharge and maintain female organs because one of the properties of red betel is as antiseptic, by boiling 7-10 red betel leaves, then use the cooking water to rinse the female organs.
Efficacy of Red pomegranate
Red pomegranate is very much encountered in the entire Indonesian archipelago from Sabang to Merauke, usually this tananman to looking in the yard, as well as ornamental tananman, also red pomegranate can also be used as a medicine
According to experts that are very much red pomegranate antioxidants An antioxidant is either: 1) a chemical compound or substance that inhibits oxidation. Or 2) a (natural) substance, such as vitamin E, vitamin C, or beta carotene, thought to protect body cells from the damaging effects of oxidation.
Antioxidants can be found naturally occurring in whole foods where they are usually found in groupings; or they are synthetically manufactured and sold as supplements, usually featuring only one single antioxidant rather than several.
What Are Free Radicals? Do We Need Antioxidants?
Oxidation occurs when free radicals (highly reactive, high-energy particles) ricochet wildly throughout the body and damage cells. Free radicals can be produced within the body by natural biological processes or introduced from outside via tobacco smoke, toxins, pollutants and sub-optimal eating habits. Free radicals are believed to accelerate the progression of cancer, cardiovascular disease, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic fatigue, and age-related diseases. Antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables help neutralize free radicals in the body.
It is generally recommended that people eat 7 servings of fruit and vegetables a day: 2 servings of fruit and 5 serves of vegetables. Most people do not eat the recommended amounts of fruits and vegetables each day. Additionally, most fruits and vegetables grown industrially do not contain the same nutritional benefits that are available in organically grown whole foods and also contain more toxins (free radical sources) for the body to combat.
Why Are Antioxidants Found in Plants?
Photosynthesis is the process whereby plants convert light energy from the sun into stored physical energy (nutrition). Photosynthesis exposes plants to a massive number of free radicals. Plants produce antioxidants to protect themselves from damage by these free radicals. Antioxidant plant pigments, primarily carotenoids and polyphenols that are responsible for the bright
colors of many orange, red, blue and purple fruits, berries and algae, provide most of this protection. Research has shown that human ingestion of these plant-based antioxidants result in similar protection for humans. Research also shows that antioxidants work synergistically (where the combined effect is greater than the sum of the individual effects) and are far more effective when a spectrum of antioxidants are ingested, rather that individual isolated compounds. For example, the herb, thyme, contains over 20 separate antioxidants alone.
Additionally, when foods are grown organically, without the use of synthetic pesticides and herbicides, the plant must get stronger (via struggle) - thus imparting to itself more nutrition - in order to survive. While foods grown industrially with the liberal use of synthetic herbicides and pesticides, rely on the chemicals to protect them, and therefore do not contain the same available nutrition as organically grown foods by as much as 60% less.
What Are ORAC Units? How Many Do We Need?
ORAC, short for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity, is a standardized measurement of the total antioxidant power of a substance which is its ability to neutralize oxygen free radicals. The more free radicals a substance can absorb, the higher it's ORAC score. Nutritionists recommend that we consume around 5000 ORAC units per day to significantly impact antioxidant activity in the body and reduce free radical damage. To give you perspective, one half cup serving of fruits or vegetables provides approximately 500 ORAC units. If you're not eating at least 10 servings of fruits and vegetables a day (preferably organically grown), you're not getting the recommended amount of ORAC units to neutralize the damage caused by free radicals in your body every day. Considering the amounts and exposures to the many and varied sources of toxins in today's world, a better guesstimate of necessary ORAC units necessary would be 7000 ORAC per day.
Whole Foods vs Supplements
If you supplement with single-dose antioxidants, or a combination of a few isolated antioxidant nutrients, you are probably not be getting the benefits you need. While isolated nutrients may have powerful antioxidant benefits in vitro (test tube,) they have significantly less benefits in vivo (body). Whereas foods high in antioxidants have proven benefits in both humans and in vitro, it is known that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can help prevent cancers, coronary heart disease and strokes. Synthetic antioxidants may actually increase cancer risk. In fact, every large clinical trial that has used isolated antioxidant nutrients has failed to show benefit for cancer and cardiovascular disease. Most isolated antioxidant nutrients are chemically, and structurally, different to those found in real foods; and do not have the desired effect in the human body. Research has found that whole tomato powder but not lycopene, a carotenoid found in tomatoes, inhibited prostate carcinogenesis in rats, which demonstrates the superior functionality and efficacy of whole-food nutrition compared with high dose, isolated nutrient, supplementation.
What is a Superfood?
A superfood is a type of food that is believed to have more significant health benefits than any other type of food due to their specific phytonutrient content. For instance, blueberries are considered a superfood because they contain significant amounts of antioxidants, phytoflavinoids, vitamin C, and potassium,which are believed to provide important health benefits.
How to Get Your Daily Requirements of 5000-7000 ORAC Units
You can eat the recommended 2-3 servings of fruits and 5-7 servings of vegetables daily, choosing high quality organically grown fruits and vegetables.
You can choose a blend of certified organic whole superfoods, providing a wide spectrum of nutritional and antioxidant benefits and preferably in powder form. For example a blend such as: certified organic raw unrefined cacao powder, dried coffee fruit extract, certified organic freeze-dried pomegranate powder ;certified organic freeze-dried goji berry powder, certified organic freeze-dried acai berry powder, certified organic whole dried dunaliella salina marine microalgae, certified organic freeze-dried blueberry powder, certified organic freeze-dried raspberry powder, certified organic freeze-dried strawberry powder, certified organic freeze-dried olive juice extract. A blend such as this provides all the nutrition and antioxidant benefits of each whole food together with the benefits of all of the whole foods together. One serving of such a blend would provide the daily recommended ORAC requirements.
What Form of Blended Superfood Should I Consume?
Hands down you should look for a powdered form where the superfoods contained within have been freeze dried, thus putting the nutrition and antioxidants in suspended animation, undamaged. Adding the powder to your own liquid (water, juice, soy milk, etc.) makes a quick and easy fortifying drink.
According to experts that are very much red pomegranate antioxidants An antioxidant is either: 1) a chemical compound or substance that inhibits oxidation. Or 2) a (natural) substance, such as vitamin E, vitamin C, or beta carotene, thought to protect body cells from the damaging effects of oxidation.
Antioxidants can be found naturally occurring in whole foods where they are usually found in groupings; or they are synthetically manufactured and sold as supplements, usually featuring only one single antioxidant rather than several.
What Are Free Radicals? Do We Need Antioxidants?
Oxidation occurs when free radicals (highly reactive, high-energy particles) ricochet wildly throughout the body and damage cells. Free radicals can be produced within the body by natural biological processes or introduced from outside via tobacco smoke, toxins, pollutants and sub-optimal eating habits. Free radicals are believed to accelerate the progression of cancer, cardiovascular disease, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic fatigue, and age-related diseases. Antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables help neutralize free radicals in the body.
It is generally recommended that people eat 7 servings of fruit and vegetables a day: 2 servings of fruit and 5 serves of vegetables. Most people do not eat the recommended amounts of fruits and vegetables each day. Additionally, most fruits and vegetables grown industrially do not contain the same nutritional benefits that are available in organically grown whole foods and also contain more toxins (free radical sources) for the body to combat.
Why Are Antioxidants Found in Plants?
Photosynthesis is the process whereby plants convert light energy from the sun into stored physical energy (nutrition). Photosynthesis exposes plants to a massive number of free radicals. Plants produce antioxidants to protect themselves from damage by these free radicals. Antioxidant plant pigments, primarily carotenoids and polyphenols that are responsible for the bright
colors of many orange, red, blue and purple fruits, berries and algae, provide most of this protection. Research has shown that human ingestion of these plant-based antioxidants result in similar protection for humans. Research also shows that antioxidants work synergistically (where the combined effect is greater than the sum of the individual effects) and are far more effective when a spectrum of antioxidants are ingested, rather that individual isolated compounds. For example, the herb, thyme, contains over 20 separate antioxidants alone.
Additionally, when foods are grown organically, without the use of synthetic pesticides and herbicides, the plant must get stronger (via struggle) - thus imparting to itself more nutrition - in order to survive. While foods grown industrially with the liberal use of synthetic herbicides and pesticides, rely on the chemicals to protect them, and therefore do not contain the same available nutrition as organically grown foods by as much as 60% less.
What Are ORAC Units? How Many Do We Need?
ORAC, short for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity, is a standardized measurement of the total antioxidant power of a substance which is its ability to neutralize oxygen free radicals. The more free radicals a substance can absorb, the higher it's ORAC score. Nutritionists recommend that we consume around 5000 ORAC units per day to significantly impact antioxidant activity in the body and reduce free radical damage. To give you perspective, one half cup serving of fruits or vegetables provides approximately 500 ORAC units. If you're not eating at least 10 servings of fruits and vegetables a day (preferably organically grown), you're not getting the recommended amount of ORAC units to neutralize the damage caused by free radicals in your body every day. Considering the amounts and exposures to the many and varied sources of toxins in today's world, a better guesstimate of necessary ORAC units necessary would be 7000 ORAC per day.
Whole Foods vs Supplements
If you supplement with single-dose antioxidants, or a combination of a few isolated antioxidant nutrients, you are probably not be getting the benefits you need. While isolated nutrients may have powerful antioxidant benefits in vitro (test tube,) they have significantly less benefits in vivo (body). Whereas foods high in antioxidants have proven benefits in both humans and in vitro, it is known that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can help prevent cancers, coronary heart disease and strokes. Synthetic antioxidants may actually increase cancer risk. In fact, every large clinical trial that has used isolated antioxidant nutrients has failed to show benefit for cancer and cardiovascular disease. Most isolated antioxidant nutrients are chemically, and structurally, different to those found in real foods; and do not have the desired effect in the human body. Research has found that whole tomato powder but not lycopene, a carotenoid found in tomatoes, inhibited prostate carcinogenesis in rats, which demonstrates the superior functionality and efficacy of whole-food nutrition compared with high dose, isolated nutrient, supplementation.
What is a Superfood?
A superfood is a type of food that is believed to have more significant health benefits than any other type of food due to their specific phytonutrient content. For instance, blueberries are considered a superfood because they contain significant amounts of antioxidants, phytoflavinoids, vitamin C, and potassium,which are believed to provide important health benefits.
How to Get Your Daily Requirements of 5000-7000 ORAC Units
You can eat the recommended 2-3 servings of fruits and 5-7 servings of vegetables daily, choosing high quality organically grown fruits and vegetables.
You can choose a blend of certified organic whole superfoods, providing a wide spectrum of nutritional and antioxidant benefits and preferably in powder form. For example a blend such as: certified organic raw unrefined cacao powder, dried coffee fruit extract, certified organic freeze-dried pomegranate powder ;certified organic freeze-dried goji berry powder, certified organic freeze-dried acai berry powder, certified organic whole dried dunaliella salina marine microalgae, certified organic freeze-dried blueberry powder, certified organic freeze-dried raspberry powder, certified organic freeze-dried strawberry powder, certified organic freeze-dried olive juice extract. A blend such as this provides all the nutrition and antioxidant benefits of each whole food together with the benefits of all of the whole foods together. One serving of such a blend would provide the daily recommended ORAC requirements.
What Form of Blended Superfood Should I Consume?
Hands down you should look for a powdered form where the superfoods contained within have been freeze dried, thus putting the nutrition and antioxidants in suspended animation, undamaged. Adding the powder to your own liquid (water, juice, soy milk, etc.) makes a quick and easy fortifying drink.
Ginger plant is very popular in many countries, ginger can be used for cooking and also there is a use as a drug, usually ginger drinks made in camour with other cropsthe first mentions of ginger being used date back more than 3000 years. These first references were found in central Asia. Whereas today we often refer to ginger as a 'hand,' these records refer to it as a 'horn.' Asia was also the first region to start actively cultivating it and spreading it around the world via the Indian trade routes.
It wasn't until Marco Polo's expeditions that ginger achieved popularity in Europe. It began to be made into gingerbread and the records are full of references to fairs and carnivals selling this food. it wasn't long before its popularity grew so much that the Queen herself began enjoying it. Many authors cite Queen Elizabeth I's use of gingerbread men as indicating that she invented the sweet! With royal approval gingerbread became a fixed part of Britain's cuisine.
Growing Ginger
Most people buy their ginger as rhizomes and grow the plant from there. When you buy ginger for growing make sure that it has as many 'fingers' (Protrusions) as possible, as each of these 'fingers' will grow into a full plant. You will want to start growing your ginger in late winter indoors, then transfer it outside in late spring when it is warm outside
When you choose a pot, you will want one that is at least twice the size of the rhizome. Fill the pot with potting soil, being careful to leave a couple of centimeters at the top. The ginger will go on top of the soil. Don't worry if this seems strange, it is important for the early growth. Now you just have to water it regularly. Luckily ginger doesn't need direct sunlight, so you can grow it in a shady area.
After 3-4 months, it is time for harvesting. The newer roots will usually have the better flavor, so you will want to harvest them. It is easiest to simply trim off the bits that you need when you need them. Most gardeners don't use the older roots and throw them out at the end of the season!
Ginger Properties
Ever wondered why ginger is so delicious? Scientists have discovered a compound in the rhizome known as a 'gingerol.' Interestingly it changes when the ginger is cooked, which explains why cooked ginger smells and tastes different to the raw kind. This compound is chemically similar to 'capsaicin' which is found in chili peppers, so you definitely know why ginger has such a kick!
Zingiber officinale is great as an ornamental herb. It has small yellow flowers and goes great with most landscaping.
For a long time a lot of people have been using ginger as a medicinal herb. The medical uses of ginger are vast:
* Arthritis. Ginger has been linked with relief from the pain of this condition.
* Heart Disease. People who ate a diet rich in ginger were discovered to have thinner blood and a lower body cholesterol than those who didn't. Therefore ginger would help those with chronic heart disease. However it is not all good news, because of this ginger interferes with the effect of drugs such a warfarin, so people ho have had heart surgery should consult their physician.
* Sickness. Trials have shown positive results on both pregnant mothers-to-be and seasick people. Ginger not only reduces feelings of nausea, but also reduces the probability of actually being sick!
* Diabetes. The trials have so far only been tested on rats, but the research looks promising and soon we may see ginger being recommended for diabetics.
* Cold and Flu. As a tisane (In tea) ginger reduces the symptoms of colds and was especially beneficial in reducing the pain of a sore throat.
It wasn't until Marco Polo's expeditions that ginger achieved popularity in Europe. It began to be made into gingerbread and the records are full of references to fairs and carnivals selling this food. it wasn't long before its popularity grew so much that the Queen herself began enjoying it. Many authors cite Queen Elizabeth I's use of gingerbread men as indicating that she invented the sweet! With royal approval gingerbread became a fixed part of Britain's cuisine.
Growing Ginger
Most people buy their ginger as rhizomes and grow the plant from there. When you buy ginger for growing make sure that it has as many 'fingers' (Protrusions) as possible, as each of these 'fingers' will grow into a full plant. You will want to start growing your ginger in late winter indoors, then transfer it outside in late spring when it is warm outside
When you choose a pot, you will want one that is at least twice the size of the rhizome. Fill the pot with potting soil, being careful to leave a couple of centimeters at the top. The ginger will go on top of the soil. Don't worry if this seems strange, it is important for the early growth. Now you just have to water it regularly. Luckily ginger doesn't need direct sunlight, so you can grow it in a shady area.
After 3-4 months, it is time for harvesting. The newer roots will usually have the better flavor, so you will want to harvest them. It is easiest to simply trim off the bits that you need when you need them. Most gardeners don't use the older roots and throw them out at the end of the season!
Ginger Properties
Ever wondered why ginger is so delicious? Scientists have discovered a compound in the rhizome known as a 'gingerol.' Interestingly it changes when the ginger is cooked, which explains why cooked ginger smells and tastes different to the raw kind. This compound is chemically similar to 'capsaicin' which is found in chili peppers, so you definitely know why ginger has such a kick!
Zingiber officinale is great as an ornamental herb. It has small yellow flowers and goes great with most landscaping.
For a long time a lot of people have been using ginger as a medicinal herb. The medical uses of ginger are vast:
* Arthritis. Ginger has been linked with relief from the pain of this condition.
* Heart Disease. People who ate a diet rich in ginger were discovered to have thinner blood and a lower body cholesterol than those who didn't. Therefore ginger would help those with chronic heart disease. However it is not all good news, because of this ginger interferes with the effect of drugs such a warfarin, so people ho have had heart surgery should consult their physician.
* Sickness. Trials have shown positive results on both pregnant mothers-to-be and seasick people. Ginger not only reduces feelings of nausea, but also reduces the probability of actually being sick!
* Diabetes. The trials have so far only been tested on rats, but the research looks promising and soon we may see ginger being recommended for diabetics.
* Cold and Flu. As a tisane (In tea) ginger reduces the symptoms of colds and was especially beneficial in reducing the pain of a sore throat.
Traditonal Medicine herbs
Interest in medicinal herbs is on the rise again and the interest is primarily from the pharmaceutical industry, which is always looking for 'new drugs' and more effective substances to treat diseases, for which there may be no or very few drugs available.
Considering the very long traditional use of herbal medicines and the large body of evidence of their effectiveness, why is it that we are not generally encouraged to use traditional herbal medicine, instead of synthetic, incomplete copies of herbs, called drugs, considering the millions of dollars being spent looking for these seemingly elusive substances?
Herbs are considered treasures when it comes to ancient cultures and herbalists, and many so-called weeds are worth their weight in gold. Dandelion, Comfrey, Digitalis (Foxglove), the Poppy, Milk Thistle, Stinging nettle, and many others, have well-researched and established medicinal qualities that have few if any rivals in the pharmaceutical industry. Many of them in fact, form the bases of pharmaceutical drugs.
Research into the medicinal properties of such herbs as the humble Dandelion is currently being undertaken by scientists at the Royal Botanical Gardens, in Kew, west London, believe it could be the source of a life-saving drug for cancer patients.
Early tests suggest that it could hold the key to warding off cancer, which kills tens of thousands of people every year.
Their work on the cancer-beating properties of the dandelion, which also has a history of being used to treat warts, is part of a much larger project to examine the natural medicinal properties of scores of British plants and flowers.
Professor Monique Simmonds, head of the Sustainable Uses of Plants Group at Kew, said: "We aren't randomly screening plants for their potential medicinal properties, we are looking at plants which we know have a long history of being used to treat certain medical problems."
"We will be examining them to find out what active compounds they contain which can treat the illness."
Unfortunately, as is so often the case, this group of scientists appears to be looking for active ingredients, which can later be synthesized and then made into pharmaceutical drugs. This is not the way herbs are used traditionally and their functions inevitably change when the active ingredients are used in isolation. That's like saying that the only important part of a car is the engine - nothing else needs to be included...
So, why is there this need for isolating the 'active ingredients'?
As a scientist, I can understand the need for the scientific process of establishing the fact that a particular herb works on a particular disease, pathogen or what ever, and the need to know why and how it does so. But, and this is a BIG but, as a doctor of Chinese medicine I also understand the process of choosing and prescribing COMBINATIONS of herbs, which have a synergistic effect to treat not just the disease, but any underlying condition as well as the person with the disease - That is a big difference and not one that is easily tested using standard scientific methodologies.
Using anecdotal evidence, which after all has a history of thousands of years, seems to escape my esteemed colleagues all together. Rather than trying to isolate the active ingredient(s), why not test these herbs, utilizing the knowledge of professional herbalists, on patients in vivo, using the myriad of technology available to researchers and medical diagnosticians to see how and why these herbs work in living, breathing patients, rather than in a test tube or on laboratory rats and mice (which, by the way, are not humans and have a different, although some what similar, physiology to us...).
I suspect, that among the reasons for not following the above procedure is that the pharmaceutical companies are not really interested in the effects of the medicinal plants as a whole, but rather in whether they can isolate a therapeutic substance which can then be manufactured cheaply and marketed as a new drug - and of course that's where the money is...
The problem with this approach is however, that medicinal plants like Comfrey, Dandelion and other herbs usually contain hundreds if not thousands of chemical compounds that interact, yet many of which are not yet understood and cannot be manufactured. This is why the manufactured drugs, based on so-called active ingredients, often do not work or produce side effects.
Aspirin is a classic case in point. Salicylic acid is the active ingredient in Aspirin tablets, and was first isolated from the bark of the White Willow tree. It is a relatively simple compound to make synthetically, however, Aspirin is known for its ability to cause stomach irritation and in some cases ulceration of the stomach wall.
The herbal extract from the bark of the White Willow tree generally does not cause stomach irritation due to other, so called 'non-active ingredients' contained in the bark, which function to protect the lining of the stomach thereby preventing ulceration of the stomach wall.
Ask yourself, which would I choose - Side effects, or no site effects? - It's a very simple answer. Isn't it?
So why then are herbal medicines not used more commonly and why do we have pharmaceutical impostors stuffed down our throats? The answer is, that there's little or no money in herbs for the pharmaceutical companies. They, the herbs, have already been invented, they grow easily, they multiply readily and for the most part, they're freely available.
Further more, correctly prescribed and formulated herbal compounds generally resolve the health problem of the patient over a period of time, leaving no requirement to keep taking the preparation - that means no repeat sales... no ongoing prescriptions... no ongoing problem.
Pharmaceuticals on the other hand primarily aim to relieve symptoms - that means: ongoing consultations, ongoing sales, ongoing health problems - which do you think is a more profitable proposition...?
Don't get me wrong, this is not to say that all drugs are impostors or that none of the pharmaceutical drugs cure diseases or maladies - they do and some are life-preserving preparations and are without doubt invaluable. However, herbal extracts can be similarly effective, but are not promoted and are highly under-utilized.
The daily news is full of 'discoveries' of herbs found to be a possible cure of this or that, as in the example of Dandelion and its possible anti-cancer properties. The point is, that these herbs need to be investigated in the correct way. They are not just 'an active ingredient'. They mostly have hundreds of ingredients and taking one or two in isolation is not what makes medicinal plants work. In addition, rarely are herbal extracts prescribed by herbalists as singles (a preparation which utilizes only one herb). Usually herbalists mix a variety of medicinal plants to make a mixture, which addresses more than just the major symptoms.
In Chinese medicine for example there is a strict order of hierarchy in any herbal prescription, which requires considerable depth of knowledge and experience on the physicians part. The fact that the primary or principle herb has active ingredients, which has a specific physiological effect, does not mean the other herbs are not necessary in the preparation. This is a fact seemingly ignored by the pharmaceutical industry in its need to manufacture new drugs that can control disease.
Knowing that medicinal plants are so effective, that these plants potentially hold the key to many diseases, are inexpensive and have proven their worth time and time again over millennia, why is it that herbal medicine is still not in the forefront of medical treatments, and is considered by many orthodox medical professionals and pharmaceutical companies as hocus-pocus
Considering the very long traditional use of herbal medicines and the large body of evidence of their effectiveness, why is it that we are not generally encouraged to use traditional herbal medicine, instead of synthetic, incomplete copies of herbs, called drugs, considering the millions of dollars being spent looking for these seemingly elusive substances?
Herbs are considered treasures when it comes to ancient cultures and herbalists, and many so-called weeds are worth their weight in gold. Dandelion, Comfrey, Digitalis (Foxglove), the Poppy, Milk Thistle, Stinging nettle, and many others, have well-researched and established medicinal qualities that have few if any rivals in the pharmaceutical industry. Many of them in fact, form the bases of pharmaceutical drugs.
Research into the medicinal properties of such herbs as the humble Dandelion is currently being undertaken by scientists at the Royal Botanical Gardens, in Kew, west London, believe it could be the source of a life-saving drug for cancer patients.
Early tests suggest that it could hold the key to warding off cancer, which kills tens of thousands of people every year.
Their work on the cancer-beating properties of the dandelion, which also has a history of being used to treat warts, is part of a much larger project to examine the natural medicinal properties of scores of British plants and flowers.
Professor Monique Simmonds, head of the Sustainable Uses of Plants Group at Kew, said: "We aren't randomly screening plants for their potential medicinal properties, we are looking at plants which we know have a long history of being used to treat certain medical problems."
"We will be examining them to find out what active compounds they contain which can treat the illness."
Unfortunately, as is so often the case, this group of scientists appears to be looking for active ingredients, which can later be synthesized and then made into pharmaceutical drugs. This is not the way herbs are used traditionally and their functions inevitably change when the active ingredients are used in isolation. That's like saying that the only important part of a car is the engine - nothing else needs to be included...
So, why is there this need for isolating the 'active ingredients'?
As a scientist, I can understand the need for the scientific process of establishing the fact that a particular herb works on a particular disease, pathogen or what ever, and the need to know why and how it does so. But, and this is a BIG but, as a doctor of Chinese medicine I also understand the process of choosing and prescribing COMBINATIONS of herbs, which have a synergistic effect to treat not just the disease, but any underlying condition as well as the person with the disease - That is a big difference and not one that is easily tested using standard scientific methodologies.
Using anecdotal evidence, which after all has a history of thousands of years, seems to escape my esteemed colleagues all together. Rather than trying to isolate the active ingredient(s), why not test these herbs, utilizing the knowledge of professional herbalists, on patients in vivo, using the myriad of technology available to researchers and medical diagnosticians to see how and why these herbs work in living, breathing patients, rather than in a test tube or on laboratory rats and mice (which, by the way, are not humans and have a different, although some what similar, physiology to us...).
I suspect, that among the reasons for not following the above procedure is that the pharmaceutical companies are not really interested in the effects of the medicinal plants as a whole, but rather in whether they can isolate a therapeutic substance which can then be manufactured cheaply and marketed as a new drug - and of course that's where the money is...
The problem with this approach is however, that medicinal plants like Comfrey, Dandelion and other herbs usually contain hundreds if not thousands of chemical compounds that interact, yet many of which are not yet understood and cannot be manufactured. This is why the manufactured drugs, based on so-called active ingredients, often do not work or produce side effects.
Aspirin is a classic case in point. Salicylic acid is the active ingredient in Aspirin tablets, and was first isolated from the bark of the White Willow tree. It is a relatively simple compound to make synthetically, however, Aspirin is known for its ability to cause stomach irritation and in some cases ulceration of the stomach wall.
The herbal extract from the bark of the White Willow tree generally does not cause stomach irritation due to other, so called 'non-active ingredients' contained in the bark, which function to protect the lining of the stomach thereby preventing ulceration of the stomach wall.
Ask yourself, which would I choose - Side effects, or no site effects? - It's a very simple answer. Isn't it?
So why then are herbal medicines not used more commonly and why do we have pharmaceutical impostors stuffed down our throats? The answer is, that there's little or no money in herbs for the pharmaceutical companies. They, the herbs, have already been invented, they grow easily, they multiply readily and for the most part, they're freely available.
Further more, correctly prescribed and formulated herbal compounds generally resolve the health problem of the patient over a period of time, leaving no requirement to keep taking the preparation - that means no repeat sales... no ongoing prescriptions... no ongoing problem.
Pharmaceuticals on the other hand primarily aim to relieve symptoms - that means: ongoing consultations, ongoing sales, ongoing health problems - which do you think is a more profitable proposition...?
Don't get me wrong, this is not to say that all drugs are impostors or that none of the pharmaceutical drugs cure diseases or maladies - they do and some are life-preserving preparations and are without doubt invaluable. However, herbal extracts can be similarly effective, but are not promoted and are highly under-utilized.
The daily news is full of 'discoveries' of herbs found to be a possible cure of this or that, as in the example of Dandelion and its possible anti-cancer properties. The point is, that these herbs need to be investigated in the correct way. They are not just 'an active ingredient'. They mostly have hundreds of ingredients and taking one or two in isolation is not what makes medicinal plants work. In addition, rarely are herbal extracts prescribed by herbalists as singles (a preparation which utilizes only one herb). Usually herbalists mix a variety of medicinal plants to make a mixture, which addresses more than just the major symptoms.
In Chinese medicine for example there is a strict order of hierarchy in any herbal prescription, which requires considerable depth of knowledge and experience on the physicians part. The fact that the primary or principle herb has active ingredients, which has a specific physiological effect, does not mean the other herbs are not necessary in the preparation. This is a fact seemingly ignored by the pharmaceutical industry in its need to manufacture new drugs that can control disease.
Knowing that medicinal plants are so effective, that these plants potentially hold the key to many diseases, are inexpensive and have proven their worth time and time again over millennia, why is it that herbal medicine is still not in the forefront of medical treatments, and is considered by many orthodox medical professionals and pharmaceutical companies as hocus-pocus
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Planting medicinal plants
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